
Showing posts from December, 2017

Episode 4: And You Thought the First TEN Men Were Mega!

Hey, video games – why don’t you 2.5 THIS D??? Also, try to guess the quote: SoulCalibur announcer or theological father of the Protestant Reformation? Music: Otis Mcdonald by Joe Bagale ( )

Episode 3: Sorry We Didn't Get This Right

We talk about Star Wars (which neither of us played), get divisive about PUBG (which neither of us played), and get angry about angry gamers. Let he who is without sin? Seth's end came through super crappy for no reason, so we're pinching off this turd really really late. But we're still pinching it. To preserve continuity. Music: Otis Mcdonald by Joe Bagale ( )

Episode 2: It's Just Business... Shitty Business

"How long is the average lifespan of an EA-owned studio?" "Is it fair to blame a publishing giant for making PR-unfriendly moves just so it can keep profits strong?" "What does a 25% cut in staff mean for a studio that already struggles to deliver technically-solid games?" If you've ever wondered about the answers to these questions, keep wondering. We can't help. But we talked about them for 41 minutes, anyway. Music: Otis Mcdonald by Joe Bagale ( )

Episode 1: David "Mister" Cage

We're trying this weird thing where we actually put effort into this, so we're gonna talk about topics ripped from The Discourse, including two controversial video game trailers from last week. Music: Otis Mcdonald by Joe Bagale ( )